What brings you here?

Do you want to make a change? Have you tried to figure it out, and despite a strong track record of success, you’re feeling stuck? Did something happen that knocked you off your center?

Many of us are driven by “shoulds” and “have tos” that fit the life stories we have both created and inherited. Our deeper wishes, seemingly impractical, are put on the back burner. We forget who we want to be, because of all we are doing. The inconvenience and fear around having to make a change outweighs the pain of staying the same. Until the pain is too much to endure.

How will coaching help?

Coaches work with high functioning individuals to get to the next level, and in many cases this means first finding clarity and courage to create the life you really want. The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as a partnerhip that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential. By having a trusted person who can be a mirror to you, you will see things you’ve never seen before. With the support of a coach, you’ll be able to break through obstacles to move your life forward.

Christine coaches with compassion and candor, supporting you and holding you accountable to designing your life. It’s time for you to get guidance and support to reveal what and how to create the life that is authentically yours.

“You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.”

– Diane von Furstenberg