Hello, I’m Christine

In the spirit of revealing and living authentically, I’d like to personally introduce myself.

I grew up in the juxtaposition of privilege and disadvantage, in a city racially and socioeconomically divided. I walked along safe, leafy, residential streets from my comfortable home to public school where I met classmates with stories of hunger, drug addiction and witness to homicide. In a world of contrasts, I wanted to be “good” and “successful”, while I also had strong urges to rebel, fight against injustice, make a difference and be different.

I came alive with people whose life experiences were different from mine, with whom I often felt most free to express myself. I was the good girl rebel, pushing boundaries in local and international adventures, while always returning to the framework for success I was given: good grades, service to the community, progressively responsible jobs, and savings in the bank. I was exposed to the people who exemplified this success and felt I needed to be like them. I kept striving, because with every accomplishment, the bar is raised and there is more to attain. 

Adult life went according to plan: two master’s degrees, C-suite executive responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars, a member of an exclusive executive women’s network, married with two children, leader on school boards, homeownership… It all looked good, and for awhile it was. Until it wasn’t. 

I felt unfulfilled and exhausted. I carried the weight of obligations and expectations. What was wrong with me? I couldn’t find the answer because I was busy fighting against the question. I can white knuckle my way through anything, until it’s no longer worth it.

When something works for a very long time, you stop seeing it as a belief or a mode of operation – you see it as simply who you are. Reflecting back to my childhood, I remembered the juxtaposition: my wild, expressive side was begging to be heard. She wanted to do things by her own rules and make a difference in people’s lives through meaningful, human connection. 

I began to make decisions as a more integrated, whole person – from what I value, am passionate about, and stand for versus from my winning strategy. I expanded my coaching training and practice, made powerful connections with professional women, and engaged in non-profit strategy consulting with renewed vigor, creativity and power. Coming from a place of passion and authenticity, rather than obligation, I could create the personal and professional impact I am here for.  

My story is not yours. Your winning strategy is different, and parts of it may still be working well.  But you are here because you want more - as a leader and a person. It’s from this place that a new life can be created.  New stories that you create and live by. 

If your desire for change fuels you with passion or pain, you are exactly where you need to be to break open and reinvent yourself in your own image. Organizations may be in this same place. They are, afterall, made up of people, and like any dynamic living thing, they need attention, perspective and support too.  

I can’t wait to partner with you, support you in getting out of your own way to REVEAL all that is you and RISE to the life you want to live.