And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
— Anais Nin

I invite you into a newly created, safe, intimate and supportive community to find yourself and become fully expressed. Step into the second half of your life by your own desire and design.

Heal through coaching, connection and reflection; Grow through intentional projects and accountability; and Transform by bravely walking through dark places to the light with an open heart and mind, and loving support.

We will begin by connecting as a group, seeing and being seen. We will learn tools to access your essence and what you truly want.

This small and powerful group of women will then gather together for three days and nights in a beautiful setting on a historic property in Saugerties, New York. Fall is colorful, crisp and beautiful in this part of the country. Bonfires. Mountain vistas. Nourishing hikes. The space to embrace the creation of your path forward.

A time for healing, inspiration, clarity, courage and support led by Christine Nollen with co-coaches, Tara Ewald and Cindy Pearson. All leaders are certified professional coaches.

Together we will:

  • Honor where we are today, and be seen

  • Remove barriers to the possibilities of what we are creating next

  • Connect with divine spirit, release stored grief and receive inspiration through ritual

  • Commit to ourselves and our newly defined futures

  • Play!

We come looking for the change that is happening within us to be catalyzed and expressed. We leave more open hearted, grounded in our power, lighter, and ready to create our lives as we want them.

Hello, I’m Christine

I believe that by changing the internal narratives we live by we can change our lives. Possibilities are endless outside of our comfort zones. I help people see the beliefs that keep them blocked from knowing their greatness and potential to create what they truly want. You can learn to trust yourself. You can live wholeheartedly. It’s a choice to grow into your best self and life. This is your life to live.

I am a guide on the journey; a sherpa who has travelled the challenging terrain before. I hold confidential, honest and loving space for you. There’s some hard work involved, just like in giving birth to anything you love. On the other side, you get to experience a new level of freedom and joy. Transformation.

I am an executive coach, professionally credentialed (PCC) by the International Coach Federation and certified by Accomplishment Coaching. I have two decades of professional leadership experience, and many more of life experience.


Tara Ewald, ACCC

Certified by the International Coaching Federation & Accomplishment Coaching

Cindy Pearson, PCC

Certified by the International Coaching Federation & Accomplishment Coaching

Women” defined as cis-gender or transgender people who identify with being female, embrace their feminine essence and relate to other women as powerful creators with huge potential. 

  • Working women in the season of mid-life, typically between ages 40-60 years.

  • Women who are contemplating, are in or have recently pivoted – in career, relationships, parenting, and could us greater clarity, support, inspiration to carry her further on her true path.

  • Women who want more - courage, love, peace, joy…

  • Women who want less - burdens, obligations, expectations…

  • Women who seek connection and a desire to belong in community of mutual support.

Who is eligible?


“The Phoenix retreat is like a spa day for your inner world. I am so grateful. It allowed me to see, name and shift old, unconscious, outdated ways of being… I’m coming away with new practices for living in this ever changing world - beautiful connections to the most generous humans, a more grounded, trusting, loving relationship with myself and my one precious life.” - Tracy O’Brien

“This powerful community of women provided a sacred circle of vulnerability, authenticity and shared hunger for growth — profound connections that transcend surface-level friendships. Together we gained clarity and insights not just about ourselves, but how we show up and impact the world, empowering us to shed self-limiting beliefs and reclaim our radiant, whole essence. I walked away with a true sense of Me that I can now bring into all areas of my life.” - Terri Pena Ewald

“I came to Phoenix wondering what else is there is for me in this life and left with clarity I did not expect. The deep connections made with women who were essentially strangers three days prior was a powerful surprise.” - Hannah Holena

“Phoenix allowed me to synthesize much of what I have been cultivating inside me and gave me the space to process where my leading edges are for future growth. The group atmosphere allowed me to build on the insights of others in ways that were generative. The incredible talent and synergy of the coaches was complimented by a warm and encouraging atmosphere.” - Michelle Marzullo

“This retreat has fed my soul. I've learned so much about myself that I didn't know existed - self, others, spirit… I cannot stress enough how wonderful the Phoenix coaching program is to rediscover your true purpose and passion.” - Lisa Loe

“I came to the Phoenix seeking a community; the space where hope can live. After working with the group, I have found a space where I am heard, supported and empowered. This group is a beacon for me. I cannot imagine being without it.” - Courtney Vagliardo 

THE PHOENIX: Midlife Rising


October 24-27, 2024


Maximum 10 spots. 70% FILLED. Don’t hesitate to reach out and inquire for more information:

To find out more or express interest in the program, please submit the contact form below.