vision. clarity. action. results.

We lead mission-driven, resource constrained organizations to achieve their purpose through defining and implementing strategy with diverse input, observation, and analysis of market trends, resulting in smart investments into programs and operations. 

Working with a strategy coach intentionally creates space to step back and gain perspective. We stand outside your daily experience with the lived experience to relate.

Benefits of strategic advisement:

> An objective view into opportunities amidst challenges and clarity on key priorities distilled from complex problems

> The identification of growth opportunities and constraints

> An assumptions check to ensure you aren’t missing possibilities based on your own or other organizational narratives

> A thought partner to help you envision the organization you want to lead creating impact that matters

> A cheerleader who trusts you, believes in possibility and holds you to high standards

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion:

Organizational culture is central to moving the needle on strategy. Our engagements are attentive to the staff experience and opportunities to enroll staff in the vision and strategic plan. They can make it happen.

We are comfortable significantly interacting with all kinds of stakeholders, from patients/clients to government, philanthropy and corporate leaders. Sometimes leaders are best supported by having an objective outsider gather honest feedback from key stakeholders.

What supports you?

“I engaged Christine to guide me through the development of my own strategic plan and steer me through many complex new workplace dynamics. Christine has a natural talent for cutting through the peripherals and for honing in, like a laser, on what really matters. And... she does this with the coolest, most down to earth demeanor ever.”

- Shanti Jimenez, Director of Operations, Housing Works

Over the last 6 months, we started to experience significant growth on the executive level, something we weren't so well equipped to handle… Christine's business acumen and her ability to give a fresh pair of eyes on our business and current structure has proved invaluable. Within 30 days of restructuring according to Christine's recommendations, we've already seen more order and stability within the company.”

-Jeremy Lyman, Co-Founder and President, Birch Coffee

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

— Lao Tzu