I am your guide.

I don’t believe in the “how to” or “x proven” method to creating change. You are unique. You have the answers that suit you, once you can hear yourself. 

I am trained in ontological and co-active coaching, which are coaching methodologies that bring into focus the whole person – both who we are being and what actions we are taking. Our outcomes are generated from this combination in balance.

We will work with what you bring and your vision of the future, or what’s important to you if your vision is not yet clear. We will explore what you are doing, how you are being and what is possible outside of your comfort zone. We design actions that create ongoing learning, and try new approaches to effectively lead to agreed-upon coaching results.

Our first few sessions will get clarity on the life you want and how you show up for it. Coaching sessions follow your requests and reveal what’s working and new ways of being that can be transformative. Projects may be created, goals may be set, and you will make your way to the outcomes you desire.

It’s your journey. I’m your partner. 

“After years of great progress in therapy analyzing how my history may have led to the person I came to be, I was ready to look forward. Insert Christine. She was able to help me focus on my present and define a future that was ambitious and just on the outside of my comfort zone. While this work is a journey, I feel infinitely better equipped to tackle what’s ahead with the tools and insight gained via our sessions together.”

- Gisell P., project manager/ entrepreneur

“I’m truly astounded by what I get every time I have a coaching session with Christine! She has single-handedly changed the way I see myself and coaching! She leads so beautifully. She believes in my possibilities before I can even see them. She helped me believe in myself in a whole new way.”

- Emily Love, life coach

“…By giving me tools to quiet the voice inside me that fears risk, Christine unlocked the possibility for me of what I can achieve and helped me to recognize that I don’t have to settle. My confidence has increased and my creativity is heightened. I’m more reflective and less reactive interpersonally - and in my thinking about the directions I want to take with my own life. The investment I made working with Christine was worth even more than I could have imagined! Her coaching support has generated rewards – I’ve just been offered a big promotion!”

- Gaudy R, hospital administrator

“Christine is one of my go-to referrals. She is promise fulfilled – a dynamic, engaging, and sublimely gifted coach with a delightful balance between intuitive and analytic skills.”

- David Ortmann, LCSW/ psychotherapist/ sex therapist/ author

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."

- Maya Angelou